Tennis Clinics

Please ensure you are registering for clinics that are in line with your level of play. If you do not know your level, please contact the front desk so that we can book you in for a private lesson! Our coaches can assess your level & recommend the appropriate programming for you.

Doubles Attack (level 3.5+)

Take your attacking doubles game to the next level! Action-packed drills focusing on taking the ball early, finishing points with pressure tactics like approach and volley, serve and volley, poaching, attacking second serves and more. High energy drill sessions with fun open point play with Coach James.

When: Monday Time: 1 - 2.30pm

Coach: James

Price: non member $40, member $27.50

Play Like A Pro (level 3.5+)

Elevate your tennis game to new heights with our Play Like A Pro Tennis Clinic. Coach Val will guide you through intensive drills, open match play practice and personalized coaching, helping you to develop advanced strokes, improve your footwork, and master in-game tactics. This clinic is suitable for intermediate and advanced players looking to refine their skills and compete at a higher level. Join us on Tuesdays and take your tennis game to the next level and play like a pro!

When: Tuesdays Time: 5-6:30pm

Coach: Val

Cost: non member $40, member $27.50

Match Tough (level 3.5+)

Get your match toughness to epic Nadal-like levels with Coach James!

What does it mean to be match tough? It means your all around game is super consistent and reliable, has no glaring weaknesses, and is unrelenting and difficult on your opponent.
Match tough drill sessions with James focus on getting YOU to become match tough…developing your strengths and eliminating your weaknesses.

When: Wednesday Time: 1 - 2.30pm

Coach: James

Price: non member $40, member $27.50

Please note that on April 24th, Match Tough will be scheduled for 2-3:30pm due to a private event being on court from 12-2pm.

Level Up! (level 2.0 - 3.0)  

The perfect drill and play session for intermediate players. Work on improving the foundations of your tennis, forehands, backhands, volleys, serves while adding more advanced skills like spin, depth and power. This clinic will help you raise your tennis to exciting new levels!

When: Friday                     Time:  1 - 2.30pm

Coach: Gowtham

Price: non member $40, member $27.50

Drill & Play (level 3.5+)

The WRC coaches have created the ultimate drill and play sessions for any player! Focusing on the essential skills, strokes and tactics needed for an all around strong singles and/or doubles game, Coach Gowtham will take you through an assortment of drills and match play scenarios designed to take your game to new heights!

When: Saturday Time: 10.30am - noon

Coach: Gowtham

Price: non member $40, member $27.50


The ultimate class series for beginners!

Get into the swing of things with our fun, entry level, introduction to tennis!

  • Develop the basic skills and fall in love with this great game in these super fun, coach led sessions!

  • Learn to rally, serve and experience early success. Enjoy one of the world’s most popular sports!

  • Tennis 101 involves a 90 minute session, every week, for a 4 week period so that the WRC coaches can monitor & encourage your progression!

  • Any registration includes a FREE 30 DAY MEMBERSHIP for the WRC so that you can enjoy the clubs facilities throughout your attendance to Tennis 101.

When: Every Wednesday on the following dates:

April 10th Time: 5-6:30pm

Price: $160

The WRC Coaches can only facilitate tennis clinics if we have a minimum of 3 players registered for a session. If you would like to attend a clinic, please ensure you sign up before hand!